Thursday, February 17, 2011

History of Foreign MInisters In Pakistan

Name and History of Foreign Ministers in Pakistan 2011

List and Names of Foreign Ministers in Pakistan and their periods
There are 26 times Foreign Ministers changed in Pakistan. No Recent Chang has been Taken Place in Pakistan

Current Foreign Misister of Pakistan is now

Hina Rabbani Khar    Snice February 11, 2011 to Incumbent

1 Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan  December 27, 1947 to October 24, 1954
2 Muhammad Ali Bogra              October 24, 1954 to August 11, 1955
3 Hamidul Huq Choudhury         September 28, 1955 to September 12, 1956
4 Feroz Khan Noon                     September 14, 1956 to October 7, 1958
 5 Manzur Qadir                           October 29, 1958 to June 8, 1962
6 Muhammad Ali Bogra              June 13, 1962 to January 23, 1963
7 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto                   January 24, 1963 to June 31, 1966
8 Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada          July 20, 1966 to April 25, 1968
9 Mian Arshad Hussain              April 25, 1968 to April 4, 1969
10 Yahya Khan                            April 5, 1969 to December 20, 1971
 11 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto                December 20, 1971 to March 28, 1977
12 Aziz Ahmed                            March 30, 1977 to July 5, 1977
13 Agha Shahi                              January 14, 1978 to March 9, 1982
14 Sahabzada Yaqub Khan           March 21, 1982 to November 1, 1987
 15 Sahabzada Yaqub Khan         June 9, 1988 to March 20, 1991
16 Abdul Sattar (caretaker)          July 23, 1993 to October 19, 1993
17 Farooq Leghari                        October 19, 1993 to November 14, 1993
18 Aseff Ahmad Ali                       November 16, 1993 to November 4, 1996
 19 Sahabzada Yaqub Khan (caretaker) November 11, 1996 to February 24, 1997
 20 Gohar Ayub Khan                    February 25, 1997 to August 7, 1998
 21 Sartaj Aziz                                August 7, 1998 to October 12, 1999
22 Abdul Sattar                              November 6, 1999 to June 14, 2002
23 Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri       November 23, 2002 to November 15, 2007
24 Inam-ul-Haq (caretaker)          November 15, 2007 to March 24, 2008
 25 Shah Mehmood Qureshi         March 31, 2008 to February 9, 2011
26 Hina Rabbani Khar                    February 11, 2011 to Incumbent

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tensions between India and Pakistan

Problems Between India And Pakistan

Current Affairs about India and Pakistan 2011

The horrific, inhuman, and deplorable act of terrorism in Mumbai by the fanatic ruthless killers not only damaged the process of normalization of bilateral relations between the two regional nuclear powers but also brought the arch rivals on the verge of a military conflict. Killing of innocent citizens in any part of the world has no ethical relativism. It was not a crime against India but a crime against humanity. Every Pakistani condemned the gunmen who unleashed mayhem and havoc on the streets of Mumbai.

The savage killing of innocent people was an insane terrorist act which provided a chance to war hawks in India who are resorting to provocations to utilise the ambiguity of the situation for their own vested interests. All their efforts are aimed at internationally isolating Pakistan and to portray Pakistan as an epicentre of terrorism and a hub of religious militancy, extremism and Talibanization. All efforts are being made to politicise the issue and use it to propagate against Pakistan. A war of words between the two countries resulting in irresponsible statements is aggravating and worsening the situation. By using the Mumbai carnage for depicting Pakistan as prime safe haven of the world for extremists and militants, India is trying its best to win diplomatic sympathies of the world powers and putting immense international pressure on Pakistan. Pakistan is demanding substantial and significant evidence of involvement of Pakistani elements if any because with lack of evidence it can not take action. The demand of Pakistan is quite reasonable because India uses every such incident for bullying Pakistan being prone to such tactics.

India started blaming Pakistan within hours of the incident without probing the matter. All allegations against Pakistan are bereft of evidence. Pakistan has already condemned the brutal terror that unfolded in Mumbai and has extended all out cooperation to India to investigate and bring the culprits to justice but India is creating war hysteria in the region. To ease the existing tension between the two countries Pakistan offered for cooperation in a joint investigation to trace the remorseless killers of innocent citizens. It was a positive step but India is keeping Pakistan away from the investigations. It is the collective responsibility of both the neighbours to eradicate such elements and to purify the region from such elements with mutual cooperation. Instead of doing so, India is mounting pressure on Pakistan with a volley of allegations of harbouring terrorists.

Terrorism knows no borders. Extremism, Talibanization and militancy can not to be tolerated on our soil. The soil of Pakistan must be purified from such activities. Pakistan can not allow becoming breeding ground for militancy and terrorism. We must take constructive and result oriented steps to suppress the terrorists. Pakistan itself is one of the worst victims of terrorism. Terrorists are common enemies of both the countries. We must collaborate to trace and take action against such enemies. Pakistanis are not terrorists and they have condemned the heinous crimes committed by the extremists. Despite the complexity of the situation both the countries have equal responsibility to abate raising tension for the sake of their nations. Setting aside all the sentiments of chauvinism both the countries should cooperate in the investigations.

We at present are target of all kinds of allegations because India has successfully projected itself as a “victim” of terrorism. Whether or not any direct link is established between the atrocities in Mumbai and non-state elements in Pakistan, it is a bitter reality that India has succeeded in convincing the world community that the soil of Pakistan is being used for cross border acts of terrorism. We should wipe the terrorism out of our soil and crush the terrorists. It is our duty to show the world crystal clear actions we are already taking to bridle the extremist elements which are harmful to our country too. As we are being blamed, we should prove it to the world with convincing and irrefutable evidence that the plot was not hatched and sponsored on the soil of Pakistan. If any Pakistani was involved in such a criminal act against the humanity he must be brought to justice in accordance with the law of our soil. Our actions should be visible to the world community that we are trying our best to eradicate those elements, which are harbouring such kinds of extremism in the country. Our efforts on this direction may mitigate the mounting international pressure on Pakistan.

We can not afford to become a silent spectator when our country is being blamed for such an insensate crime. Whether India provides any evidence or not, we should investigate all the allegations ourselves and should arrest and prosecute the culprits if any.

India should not underestimate the military might of Pakistan because Pakistan has the capability to respond Indian aggression or surgical strikes befittingly. Any miscalculation may lead to an irreversible disaster. Our forces are fully alert for meeting any eventuality on eastern front and to defend our territorial integrity. In case of any misadventure in Pakistani territory caused by the belligerent attitude of India the innocent citizens of both the countries will suffer. Millions of lives will be at risk by any irresponsible decision. People of the region in no circumstances should become cannon fodder. War will only bring mutually assured destruction and will leave no one to claim victory in case of using nuclear weapons. Ultimately both the countries will be the losers.

India’s aerial incursion into Pakistani territory and violation of its air space erroneously can also lead to some misunderstanding in such a situation of equivocalness where no one of both countries trusts any one. If India is intentionally doing such intrusions to test the Pakistani nerves, being a sovereign country Pakistan will not tolerate it any more and will be compelled to retaliate which may lead to destabilization of South Asia. The most burning issue is to defuse and abate the heightened tension between the two nuclear-armed adversaries.

Despite our all possible efforts for an amicable solution, if India takes any aggressive step, the nation will be united against India and will fight shoulder to shoulder with its armed forces. The war will cause disproportionate destruction to India. The patriotism of our nation is beyond any doubt. There can be no difference about obligation of Jihad in case of Indian aggression. Hundreds of thousands of people will be ready to die for the cause of Pakistan with religious fervour.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prophets and Their Graves

Where are The Shrines of Prophets?
Kon sy Ambiya Karaam Ka Mazar Khan Hyn?

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Adam (A.S)….?

Ans.     Grave of Hazrat Adam (A.S) is located in Sri lanka.

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Nooh (A.S)?

Ans.     Grave of Hazrat Nooh is in Jordan.

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Suleh (A.S)?

Ans.     Lebnon

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Loot (A.S)?

Ans.     Iraq

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S)?

Ans.     Israel

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Ishaq( A.S)?

Ans.     Palestine

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Yaqub (A.S)?

Ans.     Palestine

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Yousf (A.S)?

Ans.     Palestine

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Ayuob (A.S)?

Ans.     Amman

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)?

Ans.     Jordan

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Mussa (A.S)?

Ans.     Israel
Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Haroon (A.S)?

Ans.     Jordan

Q.                Where is the Grave of Hazrat Dawood (A.S)?

Ans.     Israel

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Youns (A.S)?

Ans.     Lebanon

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Zikriya (A.S)?

Ans.     Syria

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Yahya (A.S)?

Ans.     Syria

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S)?

Ans.     Saudi Arabia

Q.        Where is the Grave of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W)?

Ans.     Saudi Arabia

Monday, February 7, 2011

General Knowledge about Sri Lanka Complete Updated 2011

General Knowledge about Sri Lanka Complete Updated 2011

 Dear Visitors we are trying to provide you all kind of general knowledge . you can contact me for more info
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we have observed that users are trying to find general knowledge about Sri Lnaka by finding (sri lanka general knowledge in 2011,sri lanka general knowledge mcq,genaral knowledge held in sri lanka 2010)so it is the beginning of General knowledge about Sri Lanka )

Please participate with us and get more knowledge Thanks.

Q.  What is The old Name of Sri Lank.?

Ans.  Old name of Sri Lanka is  Ceylon.

Q.  Who is The Current President of Sri Lanka?

Ans.  Mahinda Rajapaksa

Q. Who is the Current prime Minister of Sri Lanka?

Ans.  D. M. Jayaratne since 21 April 2010.

Q  What is the Capital of Sri Lanka?

Ans.   Colombo

Q. When did Sri Lanka became a sovereign state?

Ans.     1972

Q. When did The Sri Lankan Civil War began?

Ans.   1983

Q. The Sri Lankan Civil War began? 

Ans.   1983

Q. The 26-year civil war ended?

Ans.  2009.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

General Knowledge about UN

General Knowledge about United Nation 2011
 This post contains all kind of questions with their answers about the United nations organization 

The Bold Option is the Correct answer of the Question 

1.The United Nations Charter, the constituting instrument of the UN, was drawn in year
  1. 1945
  2. 1946
  3. 1947
  4. 1948
The United Nations Charter was drawn up by the representatives of 50 countries at the United Nations Conference on International Organisation, which met in San Francisco from 25 April to 26 june 1945.
2. Originally The Charter  of UN was signed  by the representatives of the ...... countries.
  1. 45
  2. 50
  3. 55
  4. 56
The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries.
3.United Nations Day is celebrated on.......each year.
  • 1th May
  • 30th June
  • 24th Oct
  • 21st nov
The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 Oct l945. United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 Oct. each year.
4.Official languages of the UN are ........... in number
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
5. UN headquarter is in ?
  • Australia
  • UK
  • Switzerland
  • USA
Headquarters: First Avenue, UN Plaza, New York City, NY. 10017, USA.
6. In General Assembly Each state has one vote, but may send............ representatives
  • 2
  • 5
  • 6
  • 8
General Assembly The Assembly consists of the representatives of all the member states. Each state has one vote, but may send 5 representatives. The General Assembly meets at least once in a year.
7. Consider Following statements about Security Council
1.Security Council consists of 12 members
2.There are five permanent members
3.There are 7 non-permanent members.
4.Non-permanent members are  elected for a 3-year term by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly.
  • only 1 is right
  • only 2 is right
  • only 4 is right
  • All of the above are right
Security Council consists of 15 members There are five permanent and 10 non-permanent members Non-permanent members are elected for a 2-year term by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly. The permanent members have the power to veto any move. Retiring members are not eligible for immediate re-election.
8. Which of the Following is not among Permanent Members of Security Council
  • Australia
  • China
  • France
  • UK
Permanent Members: China, France, Russia, UK, USA.
9.Which of the Following is not  among The Economic and Social Council's Regional Economic Commissions?
  • ECE
  • ECA
  • ERA
The Council’s Regional Economic Commissions: ECE (Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva); ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok); ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile); ECA (Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Aba ba). ESCWA (Economic Commission for Western Asia, Amman, Jordan).
10. Head quarters  of The International Court of justice are at
  • The Hague
  • New York City
  • Geneva
  • Brussels
There are 15 judges in International Court Head quarters : The Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands.
11.HQ of UN  Secretariat is at ?
  • The Hague
  • New York City
  • Geneva
  • Brussels
The Secretariat The Secretariat is composed of the Secretary-General and international staff appointed by him under regulations established by the General Assembly. The Secretary General, the High Commissioner for Refugees and the Managing Director of the Fund are appointed by the General Assembly. HQ : United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.
12.The UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) was  established in
  • 1945
  • 1956
  • 1969
  • 1982
13.UN Environment Programme(UNEP) was Established in ?
  • 1969
  • 1970
  • 1971
  • 1972
14.United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR was established in ?
  • 1945
  • 1947
  • 1949
  • 1951
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established by the UN General Assembly with effect from 1 jan. 1951.
15.HQ of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR is at ?
  • The Hague
  • New York City
  • Geneva
  • Brussels
16.Current UN Secretary  General is ?
  • Kofi Anan
  • Dr. Boutros Boutros ghali
  • Ban-ki-moon
  • U Thant
17.International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) was established in year
  • 1957
  • 1958
  • 1959
  • 1960
18.United Nations Industrial Development Organization was established in?
  • 1983
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1986

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